-------- 16-11-2015
Kleikollektief has split up into two locations.
Click on the link for more information:
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-------- 08-04-2011
Flowertowers by Corien Ridderikhoff and flowerbowl and vase by Klaartje Kamermans
Nederlands Tegelmuseum (Dutch Tile Museum)
Eikenzoom 12
6731 BH Ottelo
0318 591519
Open from Tuesday to Friday from 10am to 5pm. Weekends and holidays from 1pm
to 5pm.
Meesterlijk, Design and Craft fair

Corien Ridderikhoff showed at this fair porcelain bottles and a pyramid made of three pentagonal departments, with holes at the rim, which can contain flowers. The pyramid is built out of porcelain slabs and decorated in batik technique.
Meesterlijk, Design and Craft fair

Klaartje Kamermans showed at the fair porcelain chains and a necklace named “Bone China”. The chains and bone china necklaces are made of casting remains: casting canal residuals and porcelain cup handles. The cup handles are linked or joint together with small peaces of rubber tube or traditional Egyptian pasta. The chains are available in several variations and length. Bracelets are also available. For information, call 00 31 20 6225727 or mail klaartjekamermans@planet.nl